
Our goal

The SEN-BU website is dedicated to projects which were developed within Bournemouth University (BU) and focused on users who have special educational needs (SEN). The goal of this website is to provide a page which disseminates information about our projects and the ways you can be involved.

General information

This website is built as a part of one project which is running at Bournemouth University. We are working with a wide range of users with SEN and practitioners. If you want to contact us, please use the address on the right.

Contact Us

Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University, Fern Barrow, Poole, BH12 5BB

Our projects

From music teaching and arts for children with disabilities to psychology and gamification. Please check the BU SEN Projects menu to see what we have developed within Bournemouth University.

Our users

This website is designed to engage with social enterprises and charities, linking together user groups and stakeholders in education, health and wellbeing related to children, young people and adults with disabilities.

Our mission

The main aim of the project is to provide a central point to manage the dissemination of and track the impact of technology enhanced learning projects in the SEN sector in BU.